5 Reasons Why You Should Invest In Stock Market?

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You might be Student, Housewife, Businessman or Working Professional or any other, This Blog is for you. If you are new to investing in Stock Market or you have good knowledge of invest and make money in stock market, You will surely like this article.

Here’s a 5 reason you know that why you should invest in Stock Market.

  1. Grow Your Wealth

Invest in Indian Stock Market is no doubt a best invest compare to any other investment as it has returned average of 15.53% per year in last 20 years.

If you invest in stable company for long term, you can make fortune for yourself.With the Power of Compounding you can generate Wealth for your early retirement, Vacation, Children Education, a Luxury car and many more.

If you Invest 500000 with Compound Interest of 15% for 30 years, your money will be 33,105,885.

If you invest more wisely with learning in good quality stock which can give 18% return annually, so same 500000 amount after 30 years will be 71,685,319

2. To Win The Race Against Inflation

Inflation is big hurdle when it comes to wealth creation. It decrease Purchasing Power of your Money.

To Counter Inflation, FDs, Interest from Bank Saving accounts, PPF etc., can hardly beat the effects of Inflation.

The returns from Stock Market are relative more if you invested for long term.

3. Diversification

You will be at less risk from getting financial trouble when you have Multiple ways to generate Money.

The current COVID-19 scenario, where many people lost their jobs, many Businesses are slow down teaches us the importance of Money Diversification.

Diversification is main mantra of Investing in stock market, where you have High Risk & High Return along with Low Risk & Low Return Stocks. Different sectors also help to get good returns if invested wisely in it.

4. It’s Easy

Invest in Stock Market is relatively easy compare to real states or in any Business.

You need to open Demat Account and start with small amount. In case of need of your money, Stocks are often called “liquid assets,” which means they can be turned into cash relatively quickly.

For better results from Stock Market, you surely need to:

  • Learn which companies are good for investment
  • Regular Investment
  • Long Term Vision
  • Risk Management
  • Proper Discipline
  • Learn Your and Stocks Psychology

5. To Generate Passive Income

You can generate small or big Passive Income from Stock Market to reinvest in Stock Market, Vacation, Monthly needs or where ever you like to use it.

If you Learn and invest in proper way then you can earn more than your primary source of income too and Investing can be your main job.

Below are the main ways to generate passive income from Stock Market

  • Dividend: It is called as cream of Milk, which companies share with it’s investors.
  • Swing Trading: Excellent way to generate regular source income by buying stock and Sell after few days

So as a Conclusion,

If you start early, save regularly, and invest intelligently, your money can grow in truly amazing ways over time.

Stock Market is excellent way to earn money, generate money from money with good knowledge and proper discipline.


Chatarpal Singh Arora

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